Catherine Keller Delivers AJTP Lecture at AAR


Each year, IARPT’s journal, The American Journal of Theology and Philosophy, hosts a lecture at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Catherine Keller was this year’s speaker. The title of her lecture was: “Just Do It: Pragma, Prehensions, and Planetary Politics.”

Catherine Keller is Professor of Constructive Theology at the Theological School of Drew University. In her teaching, lecturing and writing, she develops the relational potential of a theology of becoming. Her books reconfigure ancient symbols of divinity for the sake of a planetary conviviality—a life together, across vast webs of difference. Thriving in the interplay of ecological and gender politics, of process cosmology, poststructuralist philosophy and religious pluralism, her work is both deconstructive and constructive in strategy. She recently published Cloud of the Impossible: Theological Entanglements, which explores the relation of mystical unknowing, material indeterminacy and ontological interdependence. Click here to find out more about Catherine Keller.

The 2014 annual meeting of the AAR took place on November 22-25 in San Diego, California.